LP Facial Creams

Our pharmacists have researched the topic of anti-aging creams and the many ingredients contained in them. After a thorough medical literature review, a few key ingredients were chosen based on the scientific evidence. The studies demonstrated how effective specific ingredients were for reducing fine lines and wrinkles in sun-damaged skin. These ingredients were then combined into a cream base that contains no fragrance or colouring and therefore suitable for sensitive skin. LP Facial Cream – Antiwrinkle Formula & Antiwrinkle Formula – Gentle (for sensitive skin) are the products that resulted from the research and development.

What do LP Facial Cream – Antiwrinkle Formulas contain and how do they work? Ingredients: Glycolic acid, niacinamide, vitamin E, retinol palmitate, polyoxyl 40 stearate, stearic acid, isopropyl myristate, cetyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, xanthan gum, sorbic acid, ammonium hydroxide, and preserved water (parabens as preservative). LP Facial Cream – Antiwrinkle Formula containers list every ingredient used to make the cream so you know exactly what you are applying to your skin. This combination exfoliates, anti-oxidizes, moisturizes, and helps minimize hyperpigmentation of the skin due to sun exposure.

How do I apply LP Facial Cream? Recommendations are to apply the cream every other night for the first week, then increased to nightly or twice daily thereafter. LP Facial Cream moisturizes the skin and therefore additional moisturizers are not required.

What are the side effects of the cream? It is normal for skin to appear slightly red for the first few days of using creams with glycolic acid. When using a cream that contains glycolic acid, your skin may be more sensitive to sunlight (e.g. You may get sunburn more easily), therefore always protect your skin from sun exposure.

How long does it take before I see any results? Most facial creams must be used for 6-12 weeks  before results are visibly apparent.

Please contact one of our pharmacy team members if you have any questions about anti wrinkle creams, fade creams, or face cream ingredients.